Friday, October 22, 2010

The Jockey Shifter

This shifter design that i fabricated for "The Whip" got positive attention and several orders so i decided to post some images of its build progress.

It makes it easier to design it in 3d first, so i can figure out the proportions and get a printout for the 1/1 scale diagram. This way the hand made components look more precise.

My client who ordered this one will install it on a Flyrite "Smoking Gun" as well.

Below you can see the beveled edge, I used a hand file to achieve this form.

To the left is the lower arm, connected to the main bracket.

The clutch lever housing bracket is probably the most complicated component of the set-up.

Yeah, I know, not so safe... this machine is unbelievable strong.

Before / After

Lower arm bearing housing.

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